Languages and superior links

A) Legal Information

Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) is a state-owned company which was incorporated by Law 5/1996, of January 10th for the creation of certain public law entities, attached to the Ministry of Finance as a result of Royal Decree 256/2012, of January 27th, which develops the basic organic structure of the Ministry.

Company name: Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

C/Velázquez, 134

28006 Madrid

Email address:

Tax identification number: Q - 28 200 15 B

B) General Information

Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) is the holder of the internet domain, and in this legal notice are included the general terms and conditions for its use and access.

The use of this website implies the express and full acceptance of these general terms and conditions in the version published at the time the user has access thereof, notwithstanding the particular terms and conditions which might apply to some of the website's contents or services. In any case, the information and services update does not take place immediately, and thus it can be out of step. We advise you to check at all times the validity and accuracy of the information, services and content which the website contains.

General terms and conditions of use of the web portal

The information obtained through this website and from the answers given to the questions made in its mailboxes fulfills a general information function and for providing services to the citizen according to the terms and conditions stipulated in section 4 of Royal Decree 208/1996, of February 9th, which regulates the administrative information service and citizens’ service and thus under no circumstances will it generate any binding legal consequence.

The user undertakes to make a good use of the contents which are provided at, which may never be used for illegal activities or for those which are against public order, national defense or public health.

With the purpose of improving the website's services, SEPI reserves for itself the right to, at any time and without prior notice to the users, modify, expand or temporarily suspend the website's presentation, setup, technical specifications and services, in a unilateral way. Equally, it reserves for itself the right to modify at any time the present terms and conditions of use, as well as any other particular terms and conditions contained at the website

Links and hyperlinks

The website provides links to other third-party websites, or to contents which are the property of third parties. The only purpose of the links is that of providing the user with the opportunity of getting the information through those links.

SEPI expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content, information or services which might appear in those websites, whose pages do not belong to it, nor does it review their contents, which will have a merely informative nature and which do not necessarily imply a relationship with the persons or entities which are the holders of such contents or with the websites on which they can be found.

With regard to the link to the domain itself, the setup of the hyperlink does not imply under no circumstance the existence of any relationship between SEPI and the owner of the linked website, nor the acceptance and approval by it of its contents or services. Thus, it will not be stated nor will it be understood SEPI to have expressly authorized the hyperlink, nor that it has reviewed or assumed in anyway the services offered or made available at the website from which the hyperlink has been setup.

SEPI expressly disclaims any responsibility, nor guarantees the quality, exactitude, accuracy, correctness or morality of the contents or services which the hyperlink's provider might offer. The user bears any responsibility for any consequence, damages or actions which might result from the access to the hyperlink's website.

The website on which the hyperlink has been setup cannot include any brand, name, logo, slogan or any other kind of distinctive symbol belonging to SEPI, with the exception of those symbols which are part of the hyperlink itself or in the case that the website is linked to Grupo SEPI.

Multilingual version

The navigation menu of SEPI's website has been translated into a number of Spanish languages which have an official status within their respective territories, in accordance with that stipulated in section 3 of the Spanish Constitution from 1978 and their respective Devolution Statutes. The languages in question are Catalonian, Basque, Galician and Valencian.

Most of the contents in the portal have also been translated into a foreign language (English). Attention is drawn to the fact that in general, there can be a delay between the Spanish version and those in the other languages, due to the process for translating the content into them.

For the versions in the other official languages use has been made of machine translation applications which can be freely accessed in Internet. 

General terms and conditions for the reuse

  • Compulsory nature of the general terms and conditions

These general terms and conditions, which are permanently available at, will be binding on any reusing agent for the mere fact of making use of the documents which are subject to them. For these purposes it is understood as a reusing agent any natural or legal person which reuses information from the public sector, either for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

  • Authorization for the reuse and the non-exclusive assignment of the intellectual property rights

These general terms and conditions allow the reuse of the documents which are subject to them for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. It is understood for reuse of documents which are in the hands of the bodies of the General Administration and the remaining bodies and agencies of the State public sector referred to in section 1.2 of Royal Decree 1495/2011, of October 24th, which develops Act 37/2007, of November 16th, about the reuse of the information from the State public sector by natural or legal persons, for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, on the condition that such use does not constitute a public administrative activity. Authorized reuse includes, for illustration purposes, such activities as the copy, diffusion, amendment, adaptation, extraction, reordering and merger of the information.

The concept of document is that stipulated in the second paragraph in section 3 of Act 37/2007, of November 16th, about the reuse of the information of the public sector, so it includes all information regardless of its physical or electronic nature, and regardless of the way for transmitting it, either through graphic, sound or image means, including as a result, also the data at their most disaggregated or 'raw' levels.

This authorization equally entails the free and non-exclusive assignment of the intellectual property rights, where appropriate, pertaining to such documents, authorizing the performance of the reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation activities which might be required for carrying out the authorized reuse activity, in any way or format, for all the world and during the maximum term allowed by law.

  • General terms and conditions for the reuse

The following general terms and conditions will apply for the reuse of the documents which are subject to them:

  • It is forbidden to denaturalize the information meaning.
  • The source of the documents which are reused must be mentioned. Such a mention may be made in the following way: "Source of the data: SEPI"
  • It must be mentioned the date at which the documents which are reused were updated, as long as it was included in the original document.
  • No se podrá indicar, insinuar o sugerir que SEPI, titular de la información reutilizada participa, patrocina o apoya la reutilización que se lleve a cabo con ella.
  • It cannot be stated, hinted or suggested that SEPI, the holder of the information which is being reused, participates, sponsors, or supports the reuse which is made with it.
  • The metadata about the date of the update and the applicable terms and conditions for the reuse including, where appropriate, in the document made available for its reuse must be conserved, and must not be changed or eliminated.
  • Legal notice for the use of photographs

The use of files is subject to the following terms and conditions:

The files which are on offer will be only and exclusively for their use by the media.

These files can be wholly reproduced, without being required that their source is stated. In case that the source is mentioned, SEPI must be named.

The files cannot be modified in any way.

It is forbidden the use of these files for featuring the activities or news from other companies.

It is forbidden to copy these files for their distribution, assignment to third-parties, or for their commercial use, without the prior written authorization by SEPI.

Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) reserves for itself the right of withdrawing the authorization for the use of these files, whenever it considers that they are being used in a way which might be harmful for its interests.

The files are the property of Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales.

In order to solve any question regarding the use of these files, or for requesting others, you can get into contact with SEPI’s Communication Department.

  •  Exclusion of liability

The use of the data sets will be made by the reusing users or agents at their own risk, and they will be the only ones which will be liable against third parties for any damage which might result from such use.

SEPI will not be liable for the use which reusing agents might make of its information, nor for the damages or the financial losses which, directly or indirectly, cause or might cause, financial or material damages, or damages on data as a result of the use of the reused information.

SEPI does not guarantee the continual availability of the reusable documents, either in their content or form, nor does it assume any responsibility for any error or omission which they might contain.

  • Liability of the reusing agent

The reusing agent is subject to the regulation which applies to the reuse of the public-sector information, including the penalty regime envisaged in section 11 of Act 37/2007, of November 16th, about the reuse of the public-sector information.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

Both the design and the source codes of the website, and the logos, trademarks and any other distinctive symbol which appear in it belong to SEPI or to its companies and are protected by the corresponding rights on intellectual and industrial property. This protection also covers the images included in the website, with the exception of those corresponding to the Press Room section, which are provided to the media for the performance of their functions.

Its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogue activity is totally forbidden unless SEPI expressly authorizes it in writing. The license for the use of the items which are specified in this paragraph of this website, granted to the user, is limited to the download by the user of such content and its private use, on the condition that the above mentioned contents remain unchanged.

SEPI states its respect to third-party intellectual and industrial property rights; thus, in the case that you thought that this website might be infringing upon your rights, we would appreciate your getting into contact with us through the portal's webmaster, at the following email address:

SEPI expressly prohibits making framings or the use by third parties of whatever tool which change the design, the original configuration or contents of its portal.

In case that the user were to infringe any of these rights, SEPI reserves for itself the right to start any administrative, civil or penal actions to which it is entitled.

Privacy and protection data policy 

The personal data requested in the boxes and in the subscription services of this Website are included in the responsibility files of the Spanish state-owned industrial holding Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), in fulfillment of that stipulated in the European Regulation 2016/679 regarding the protection of natural persons with respect to the processing of personal data.
The user may exercise their rights in accordance with SEPI’s privacy and protection data policy. 

Statistics about the website's use

SEPI's website makes use of its own application and of Google analytics, for the sole and exclusive purpose of preparing reports of a statistical nature. For instance, number of visits per page, hours and days in which those visits took place, etc.

Cookies are files which are created in the user's browser for recording his activity at the website. One cookie does not identify a person, but they identify a computer-browser-user combination, they have a limited time existence, and under no circumstance are used for collecting personal information.

SEPI follows the legal regulation and the guidelines on this field issued by Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish data protection agency).

For browsing SEPI's portal you are not required to enable these cookies; you can directly disable them in your browser.

See Cookies policy

Governing law and jurisdiction

The use terms and conditions will be governed by that stipulated in Spanish law, which will also apply in the case of a dispute or conflict about the construction of the terms and conditions which constitute this legal notice, as well as with any other issue regarding the services of this website.