SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

ente RTVE

Ente Público RTVE, en liquidación

The Ente and its affiliated companies are into dissolution-liquidation.

The Fifth Provisional Provision of Act 17/2006, dated on June 5th, stipulates that the Ente and its affiliated companies shall go into dissolution-liquidation the next day to the execution of the Deed for the transfer of assets and liabilities of the Corporación RTVE and its companies, which took place on December 29th, 2006.

The Ente itself approved in the Extraordinary General Meeting which met on January 3rd, 2007, the dissolution of TVE, S.A. and RNE, S.A.. On that date the Board for the Liquidation of the State-Owned Ente was created, made up by 5 Members appointed by SEPI, which took over the management and representation of the Ente in liquidation.

This Board is carrying out the mercantile dissolution and liquidation of the affiliated companies of the Ente, with the appointment of one Liquidator for each of them. During this process and until its total liquidation, the Ente and its affiliated companies will keep their legal nature.