SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Grupo ENUSA presents its Annual Report

05 June 2013 | Madrid

Grupo ENUSA presents its Annual Report
  • The Group records a 299 M€ turnover in 2012
  • ENUSA continues being a financial engine for the Salamanca province, the economic added value to the province exceeded 44 M€
  • Grupo ENUSA employs 777 persons and has trained over 50 trainees
  • The Company shows its commitment with technology as it invested more than 5 M€ in R&D last year


Social and environmental commitment

During 2012, Grupo ENUSA continued developing its corporate project in line with the principles of a sustainable and responsible company lo largo de 2012.

Grupo employs 777 persons, of which 592 belong to the parent company, whose presence in Salamanca translates into the fact that more than 70% of ENUSA’s workforce is located in the work centers in the province.

The employees’ continual training is one of the strategic pillars of Grupo ENUSA. Total investment made in 2012 in this area amounted to more than 800 thousand €. Besides, this commitment with training has been expanded to younger persons, and its Juzbado Factory has almost 90% of the total number of trainees within the Group.

ENUSA maintains a close relationship with Salamanca’s society, giving priority in its procurements and contracts for services to the companies located in Salamanca. Thus, in 2012 the economic added value by ENUSA to Salamanca exceeded 44 M€.

This close relationship with the province has been translated also to the Company’s involvement with the preservation of Salamanca’s historical heritage, the diffusion of its culture and the preservation of its natural environment, through a number of collaborations and sponsorships.

In 2012, its most relevant contribution was in Salamanca’s historical and cultural field, through the collaboration agreement concluded in 2011 with the Fundación del Patrimonio Histórico de Castilla y León and with the Universidad de Salamanca for carrying out a previous study and later the restoration of the façade of the Higher Schools of the university of Salamanca.

Thanks to its sponsorship of this project, which included the installation of a platform, called “Ascensum”, both the town inhabitants and visitors from all over the world were able to know the famous Renaissance façade from a unique perspective.

Regarding the Enviroment, all the companies of Grupo ENUSA pay special attention to respecting, preserving, protecting and improving the environment when they carry out their activities. Each of the companies of the Group has Environmental Management Systems, as well as handbooks which have been certified and approved by the competent regulating agencies.

In ENUSA’s case, year after year it carries out important efforts aimed at minimizing the environmental impact which results from its activities, besides investing in energy saving and efficiency measures with the purpose of reducing its consumption of water, electricity, or waste generation. In 2012 the environmental investment amounted to about 4.2 M€.

The Annual Report and the Results of Grupo ENUSA for 2012, both in Spanish and in English are available at, together with an easy-to-read Summary which includes last year’s most relevant events and facts.

ENUSA and Grupo SEPI

This company belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 18 state-owned companies in which it has a direct and majority shareholding participation, with a workforce of over 80,000 professionals, besides the state-owned radio and television corporation, the Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, over which it has powers, and one state-owned foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholding participations in a further seven companies, and indirect ones in more than one hundred companies.

Grupo ENUSA recorded in 2012 a 299 M€ turnover. Notwithstanding the economic crisis which the country is going through, the Group is managing to achieve satisfactory results, thanks in part to the internationalization process which it started more than twenty years ago and which allows it to export now to the rest of Europe more than 60% of its annual production.

The Chairman of Grupo ENUSA, Mr. José L. González, points out in the Letter to the shareholders in the Annual Report of Grupo ENUSA 2012, that “this has been a difficult year for all, we are living through a period of crisis in which many of the things which we had learnt about our way of being, of working, of seeing the future, … are changing”. However, the companies which make up the Group continue recording good results, as shows the turnover of the parent company, ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas, S.A., which reached 266 M€.

Main activities of Grupo ENUSA in 2012

For ENUSA, 2012 has been an intense year regarding commercial actions; special mention deserve the extension of the contracts for supplying fuel and related services for the Spanish reactors. Within the European scope, it reached an agreement with the French electricity company EDF which guarantees a sustained long-term relationship, being France the country to which more exports go.

The company from Salamanca has been focused for many years in an internationalization process, and in 2012 it increased the initiatives for developing its presence in such emerging markets as Brazil, Argentine and China, thanks to which it is highly confident about its possibilities and work capabilities.

With regard to the Juzbado Factory, it reached a production of 351 Uranium Tons, the highest figure in all its history. Besides, during 2012 the nuclear facility underwent the resistance tests demanded by the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Spain’s Nuclear Safety Board) and, as a result, it has set up a new control room and a new emergencies management center. The nuclear facility has continued progressing in the adequate implementation of the Safety Culture Program, since the attention paid to safety and quality continue being the basic pillars for the Company, together with the investments program which guarantee a competitive position.

ENUSA has maintained an intense activity in the power station services field, and it has continued focusing its efforts on R&D, to which it applied more than 5 M€ in 2012 and with the equivalent use of 20 researchers per year in actions for developing the inspection equipments and manufacturing, fuel within the reactor, new materials and design methodologies.

As for the affiliated companies, the company engaged to transporting hazardous goods, ETSA, as in the previous years, continued expanding its turnover until it reached at the end of the year 2012 almost 14 M€, with a growth of about 4% against a year before. And Molypharma, the affiliated company of Grupo ENUSA which is active in the production and supply of radiopharmaceutical products for their use in nuclear medicine, continued leading the Spanish market.

On the other hand, the Company’s environmental activities were focused on:

Continuing with the closure and restoration of the former mines at Saelices el Chico and the proceedings for dismantling the Quercus Facility. Exploiting the biogas plants in Salamanca and of Urban Solid Wastes in Castellón. The internationalization of the projects on industrial waste management and treatment of polluted waters and soils through the affiliated company EMGRISA.