SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Grupo TRAGSA´S New Corporate Social Responsibility Master Plan for 2013-2015

27 February 2013 | Madrid

Grupo TRAGSA´S New Corporate Social Responsibility Master Plan for 2013-2015

On February 21st, 2013 the Company’s Management Committee of Grupo TRAGSA resolved to approve the Corporate Social Responsibility Master Plan for (CSR) for 2013-2015, with the goal of continuing reinforcing CSR into the corporate culture of the group.

The CSR Master Plan, which is applied transversally to all the organization, is the result of the will to have an action framework which allows the Group to adapt its capabilities and to provide an answer to the main challenges poised by sustainability.

CSR Master Plan

The key aspects of the new Master Plan can be summarized in 3 points:

  • To apply, in the working and processes of Grupo TRAGSA, the CSR’s policy and principles, through the preparation of action strategic lines in the following areas: Good Government and Transparency, Human Resources, the Environment, Suppliers and collaborating companies, Innovation, Knowledge Management, Sponsorship and Social Action, and Communication.
  • To act as a model, in its capacity as a state-owned company which operates for the public good, with regard to the fulfillment of the values and commitments which define the model of a responsible and sustainable company.
  • To translate our CSR commitment to other state-owned companies, and especially to those which make up Grupo SEPI, offering them the opportunity of collaborating in our initiatives and projects.

The CSR Master Plan 2013-2015 entails an effort on innovation and constitutes a challenge for Grupo TRAGSA in the current environment, characterized by the financial crisis and the austerity of the Administration at all levels. But it also presents an opportunity, as shows the fact that the Group has applied in advance to itself the requirements of Act 2/2011 on Sustainable Economy and the Bill on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Governance, applying many of the CSR measures which these legislation measures demand (responsible public procurement, Sustainability Annual Reports, CSR plans, etc. ) before their coming into force, and currently being a reference on the adoption of sustainability by the state-owned enterprises.

Ethical Code of Tragsa

The Boards of Directors of the companies TRAGSA and TRAGSATEC resolved to approve the Company’s Ethical Code, which was also included in the goals of the Corporate Social Responsibility Master Plan 2013-2015 of Grupo Tragsa. This initiative is part of the activities promoted by the Spanish state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) which seek to apply the Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles.

The Code includes the Company’s commitment with the corporate ethics and transparency principles in all its areas of activity, adopting a set of guidelines of behavior aimed at guaranteeing an ethical and responsible behavior on the part of all the Group’s professionals when carrying out their activities. Equally, it seeks to determine the values and good practices which must govern the behavior of the whole Group, and of all those persons who are linked to the Group, either directly or indirectly, in the fulfillment of their functions and with regard to their professional relationships, on the basis of CSR.