SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI’s Board of Directors has been formed today with the new Members

27 January 2012 |

During this first meeting of the new Board the decision to appoint Mr. Federico Ferrer Delso as SEPI’s Vice President was taken

The new Board of Directors of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) has been formed today with the taking up of the posts by the new Members, after the appointment of Mr. Ramón Aguirre Rodríguez as the Chairman of this state-owned enterprise on January 13th. The Board is made up by its Chairman, Mr. Ramón Aguirre himself, by its Vice President, Mr. Federico Ferrer Delso, who has been appointed in this meeting, by the Secretary-General and of the Board, Mr. Alfredo Parra García-Moliner, and by 14 Members, who represent the Ministry of the Presidency, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness; Defense; Industry, Energy and Tourism; Employment and Social Security, and Public Works, as well as the Office for Economic Affairs of the President.

Board of Directors

The Members of SEPI’s Board of Directors are Ms. Marta Fernández Currás, Secretary of State for Budgets and Expenses, from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations; Mr. Fernando Jiménez Latorre, Secretary of State for the Economy and Support for the Enterprise, from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness; Mr. Pedro Argüelles Salaverría, Secretary of State for Defense, from the Ministry of Defense; Mr. Fernando Martí Scharfhausen, Secretary of State for Energy, from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism; Mr. Álvaro Mª Nadal Belda, Head of the Office for Economic Affairs of the President; Mr. Jaime Pérez Renovales, Deputy Secretary of the Presidency, from the Ministry of the Presidency; Ms. Pilar Platero Sanz, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations; Mr. Miguel Temboury Redondo, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness; Mr. Enrique Hernández Bento, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism; Mr. Pedro Llorente Cachorro, Deputy Secretary of Employment and Social Security; Mr. Mario Garcés Sanagustín, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works; Ms. María González Pico, Head of Staff of the Vice President and Minister of the Presidency; Mr. Felipe Martínez Rico, Head of Staff of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, and Mr. Carlos San Basilio Pardo, General-Director of the State Patrimony, from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

Vice President

The new SEPI’s Vice President, Mr. Federico Ferrer Delso, is a graduate in Economics and Business Administration and a 3-year diploma in Political Sociology, and he is a civil service commercial expert and Economist for the State. Until his appointment to this post, he was an Adviser and Head of Spain’s Trade in Damascus (Syria), a post which he had also held in the Federal Republic of Germany, in Romania, Bulgaria and for the Southern States of the US. Equally, he has been Financial General-Director and for International Relations in the Instituto de Crédito Oficial, as well as Executive Director and a Member of the Council of the World Bank. He has held other posts in the Spanish Administration, such as Deputy General-Director for Foreign Financing and an Advisor in the General-Directorate of the Treasury and Financial Policy. As a result of the positions which he has held, he has been a Member of, among other institutions, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and of the companies ENAUSA and ENUSA.