SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI’s Chairperson announces a technological project for securing the future of Minas de Almadén

21 November 2013 | Almadén

SEPI’s Chairperson announces a technological project for securing the future of Minas de Almadén
  • Ramón Aguirre chaired, in the town of Almadén (Ciudad Real), the presentation ceremony of the book “Patrimonio del Mercurio” edited by MAYASA

The Chairperson of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), Mr. Ramón Aguirre, said today that the conversations which are underway with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment and with the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the creation of a center for the research and treatment of the mercury surpluses and its waste products, which will entail a great technological advance for the Company and a new horizon of progress for Minas de Almadén.

The agreement will mean the utilization of the facilities which currently exist in the company MAYASA, from the Grupo SEPI, as well as of its knowledge and experience with the aim of facilitating the development of technologies which can offer solutions for an environmentally responsible management of the mercury surpluses and of other heavy metals.

Presentation of the book “Patrimonio del Mercurio” (Mercury’s Heritage)

The announcement of this project, which might be confirmed soon, was made by SEPI’s Chairperson during the presentation of the book “Patrimonio del Mercurio” (Mercury’s Heritage), which has been edited by MAYASA, through its foundation Fundación Almadén-Francisco Javier de Villegas. The presentation took place this morning in Almadén (Ciudad Real), at the Miners’ Hospital of San Rafael, the domicile of the above mentioned foundation. The ceremony was attended, among other authorities, by the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Aljaz Gosnar, the delegate in Ciudad Real of the regional Government of Castilla La Mancha, Mr. Antonio Lucas Torres, Almadén’s Mayor, Mr. Carlos Rivas Sánchez, and MAYASA’S Chairperson, Mr. Fernando Murillo.

The book, which has been prepared by Ms. Ángela Rojas Ávalos, reviews the History of the towns of Almadén and Idria (Slovenia) with regard to mercury’s heritage. In this sense, Mr. Aguirre reminded those attending the ceremony that the decision of the European Union of abandoning the exploitation of mercury forced Minas de Almadén y Arrayanes (MAYASA), the main world producer of this mineral, to undergo a radical change in the purpose of its activity.

Currently, he pointed out that MAYASA is committed with the Environment’s preservation and that it is aware of the problems related to mercury and other metals, thus investing in environmental research projects and thus contributing to the sustainable development of its surrounding area. Equally, he stated that this company has shown its firm decision and capacity for writing a new page of success in the history of Almadén and its hinterland.

The new project, in the words of SEPI’s Chairperson, is a social and technological challenge for MAYASA, providing solutions which are environmentally safe for those toxic metals which stop being used. But he added that they are also a path towards a new future which will make possible the survival of the mines at Almadén as a source for development, innovation and growth, and at the same time a world-relevant cultural asset.