SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

MERCASA’s Report 2016 on Food production, industry, distribution, and consumption in Spain is already available

24 November 2016 |

MERCASA’s Report 2016 on Food production, industry, distribution, and consumption in Spain is already available

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MERCASA has just published a new series of its Report on Food Production, Industry, Distribution, and Consumption in Spain, the one corresponding to 2016, and which reaches its 19th anniversary.

For the preparation of this report, MERCASA has enjoyed from the beginning of the collaboration of the Ministry for Agriculture and Fishing, Food and the Environment, whose statistics are the key basis for the analysis, as well as of the help from the regional Governments, from the Spanish Federation of Food and Beverages Industries (FIAB), and from the different branch associations which make it up, from the regulating boards which control the different designations of origin, the protected designation of origin products, etc. 

The final goal is that of contributing to a permanent and better knowledge about Spanish food situation; this is why the Report is organized as an easy to consult handbook, with two perspectives for the analysis: by branches and by regions.

To that end, the book includes all the most-updated statistical and documental information available concerning the production, industry, distribution, and consumption of food in Spain, making use in each case of the better known and more accurate statistical sources – public and private.

In order to facilitate the use of the Report, the information contained on the production, industry, distribution, and consumption of food in Spain is organized according to the following structure:

General basic data

- Main macroeconomic results of agriculture and stockbreeding. 

- Agri-food foreign trade.

- Food industry.

- Food consumption by households and by the catering industry.

- Structures of the retail market.

- Structures of the catering and hostelry industry.

Information by branches

- Description of all farming, stockbreeding, or fishing raw materials.

- The Spanish production in the context of that from the European Union and at world level.

- Territorial distribution of the productions by regions.

- Foreign trade.

- Companies by size.

- Commercial distribution by establishment categories.

- Purchasing and consumption habits.

- Denominations of origin and of differentiated quality.

Information by regions

- Agri-food and fishing information 

- Main indicators of the food industry 

- Commercial distribution structures 

- Structures of the catering and hostelry industry 

- Food consumption within and outside the household 

- Designations of origin and of differentiated quality 

All of the above makes possible to have a general overview of one of the most important, complex, and dynamic industries of the Spanish economy, whose activity – along its different stages – always has far reaching and obvious repercussions for the whole society.

Besides this paper print, the Report 2016 on Food Production, Industry, Distribution and Consumption in Spain has also a digital edition, which can be consulted in its totality and permanently on MERCASA’s webpage:

For more information about Food in Spain 2016

Key general data

Information by branches

Information by regions