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Grupo MERCASAFood distribution markets

MERCASA provides a public service to the whole food supply chain, especially to the wholesale fresh food industry, through the Red de Mercas, but also regarding the agrarian and fishing production, facilitating  the wholesale trade  from the source, the retail trade of any type, the independent or organized catering businesses, and the third sector catering companies.

Mercasa has promoted and manages, together with the respective city councils, the Red de Mercas, a network which has 24 food units, large wholesale distribution logistical service centers, which cover all of Spain.

In these centers, more than 3,300 companies carry out their activities, channeling 8.4 million Tons of fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood, meat, and other products every year, generating a value of 19,600 M€ annually, which represents about 1.48% of the national GDP. The Red de Mercas is visited every day by more than 80,000 persons which carry out their supply activities, generating over 110,000 transactions per day.

The result of all this work, in which collaborate more than 30,000 persons, is the provision of fresh food, healthy and of quality, to more than 30 million persons.

Both Mercasa and the Red de Mercas have a strong commitment in organizing all their service and management strategies in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Agenda 2030, which is promoted by the Spanish Government.

To that end, Mercasa and the Red de Mercas carry out ESG actions and take part in all the initiatives promoted by their environment linked to sustainability, technological innovation, healthy food, and reduction of food waste, among other questions.