SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

CORREOS celebrates its National Prizes to the best offices and sorting offices in Spain in a carbon-neutral event

06 May 2016 | Madrid

CORREOS celebrates its National Prizes to the best offices and sorting offices in Spain in a carbon-neutral event

  • Also took place the award of the Atenea Prize for Human Resources, the Aristos Prize for the banking activity, the Artemisa Prizes for commercial management, as well as the prizes for Environmental Commitment and the ISO 9001 and 14001 Certificates to the Integral Logistical Center of Barcelona
  • For the second year in a row, CORREOS has organized this ceremony as a carbon-neutral event, offsetting the CO2 emissions generated with it with credits attached to an environmental project in Peru


CORREOS has celebrated the “Acknowledgement Day of the Workers of Grupo CORREOS”, during which were awarded the National Prizes to Excellency, the Atenea Prizes for management in Human Resources, the Aristos Prizes for banking activity, the Artemisa Prizes for the best commercial management, and the Prizes for Environmental Commitment.

Also were awarded the ISO 9001 and 14001 Certificates to quality and environmental management to the Integral Logistical Center (CLI) of Barcelona, which recognize the quality, efficiency, and the environmental care of its work in 2015 thanks to the implementation of management systems which are normalized at European level.

CORREOS has offset all CO2 emissions generated by the organization of this event (transportation of the guests, delivery of the invitations, lightning, sound, etc.) with credits purchased in the voluntary emissions market attached to an Amazonia preservation project in Peru, which combines the fight against climate change and against poverty. This is the second year in a row in which CORREOS organizes this event as a carbon-neutral one, in order to make visible its commitment with the fight against climate change, within the framework of its efficiency and sustainability policy, whose goal is minimizing the environmental impact from its activity.

The Chairman congratulates the employees on the 300th anniversary

CORREOS’ Chairman, Mr. Javier Cuesta Nuin, congratulated all employees for their involvement and commitment: “I share with you the satisfaction for these prizes which recognize a work well done. And especially in such a special year, in which we celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of CORREOS as a public service. We reach 300 years of history, which have been 300 years of innovation, getting ahead of the changes in Society and accompanying it in its own evolution, as reflects the slogan of our 300th anniversary “Tú cambias, y nosotros contigo” (You change, and we with you).

“Throughout the last 300 years we have been pioneers, and we are going to continue advancing through this transformative path at the speed demanded by the 21st century, inventing and offering the most advanced solutions for achieving our goal: Being the best supplier of physical, digital, and packaging solutions in the Spanish market. Always seeking to facilitate the life of the persons, of the companies, and of the Administrations. Always with the customer at the focus of our action.”

Mr. Cuesta also stressed the Company’s most recent milestones: “We have managed to position ourselves as a reference in packaging and in e-commerce. With services such as HomePaq and CityPaq, Comandia, the new offices TU CORREOS, or the investment made in new technologies which has allowed to equip all postmen with the new personal digital assistants (PDAs) and offering services in real time to our customers, we are showing our capability to change and of anticipating the requirements from the society for which we work.”

“And always without forgetting about the function which we must fulfill, which is a function of an essential service for the State and of social cohesion in Spain and of promoting the Spanish Society. That is something which we will never stop doing. We have always been an engine for evolution and innovation. And we will continue being so for the following 300 years. Thanks to the professionalism of the 50,000 workers who, like yourselves, give the best of themselves every day, we are building CORREOS’ future”, the Chairman highlighted.

National Prizes to Excellency

Before proceeding to awarding the prizes, the Under Deputy Director for Organization, Efficiency, and Sustainability, Ms. Susana Cuervo, summarized the results achieved in 2015 and expressed her gratitude for “the effort, work and commitment behind all these figures”, encouraging all the prize-winners and their workmates to “continue working for being an example of efficiency, quality, and continuous improvement”.

The National Prize for Excellency recognizes CORREOS’ operating units which make an efficient use of their resources and which stand out for their correct processes and for their good results, thus contributing to the achievement of the Company’s goals. That is why this Prize helps to identify the excellent units and recognize their staff, which day after day works in team for offering customers the best quality service.

The Prize envisages twelve categories, depending on the different types of workplace and centers attended. For winning this yearly prize a number of indicators have been taken into account, such as the effective delivery of the registered products (certificates, notifications, packages, etc.), the quality of the shipments’ delivery, the attention paid to the customer, the unit’s weighted production, or the absenteeism recorded.

The winners this year have been the Delivery Unit no. 37 of Barcelona within the category for capitals and towns served by a Special Services Unit (USE); the Distribution Unit of Tomelloso (Ciudad Real), for the towns with 17 and more distribution sections, and the Distribution Unit of Cuéllar (Segovia), for towns with up to sixteen sections.

Within the category of business offices, the award was for the Branch no. 1 of Parla (Madrid); for the “Avante” offices, the winner was the Office at Vélez-Málaga (Malaga), while the Office of Santa Cruz de Mudela (Ciudad Real) was the best within the category of proximity offices.

Furthermore, the office of Algarrobo (Malaga) was the most outstanding among the offices with a touristic significance; the office of Daganzo de Arriba (Madrid) won in the category of service offices, and the Branch no. 17 of Malaga was the best of all the exclusive and convenience offices.

The National Prize to Excellency was also awarded to the Special Services Unit (USE) no. 2 of Madrid and to the USE no. 1 of Palencia, within the category of the units of this type which provide service to the towns with the highest and lowest population density, respectively. Finally, the Automated Mail Sorting Center (CTA) of Bilbao won in the category for which competed the 18 large automated logistical centers of the post company distributed all over Spain.

CORREOS’ Chairman, Mr. Javier Cuesta Nuin, together with other managers of the postal company awarded the prizes to the prize-winners among the ovations and congratulations of their workmates who had been invited to the ceremony, and among which were representatives from the workplaces which won the second and third places in each of the categories of all the prizes, as a way of extending the celebration to the largest possible number of employees.

“CORREOS is changing. And we are succeeding in our customers becoming aware of this transformation thanks to the effort and commitment made by each one of you. That is what we wanted to convey with today’s meeting slogan: “You are the change”, stressed Mr. Cuesta.

Atenea Prizes

Also were awarded the “Atenea Prizes for Persons and for their Best Practices” which since its inception, in 2010, acknowledges those persons and teams which stand out for their leadership and their commitment with the policies and values of human capital in Grupo CORREOS.

This year a total of five categories were called, to which were submitted 41 proposals of “best practices”, many of them promoted by transversal teams made up by employees from different areas and workplaces.

Branch no. 2 of Leganés (Madrid) won in the “Professional Development” category; one transversal team from Zone no. 6 (Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla) won the prize in the “Training” category; another transversal team from Zone no. 1 (Galicia, Asturias and Castilla-León, with the exception of Soria) achieved the highest award within the category of “Communication and Work in a Team”, while a transversal team from Zone no. 2 (Basque Country, Cantabria, Aragón, Navarra, La Rioja and Soria) won the prize in the category “Organization and Structure”. Finally, the Distribution Unit of Taco Barranco Grande (Tenerife) won the prize in the category “Risk Prevention at Work and Absenteeism”.

Prizes for Environmental Commitment

Those workplaces which actively contributed to abating the environmental impact of their activity were also awarded the Prizes for Environmental Commitment. These Prizes recognize savings in the workplaces’ energy consumption and a better management and reduction of waste, all with the aim of securing a reduction in the CO2 emissions.

The winning workplaces in the three categories existing, based on the buildings characteristics, were the CTA of Vitoria (in the “A” category for large Processing Centers); the main building in Burgos, which hosts the provincial services and the Main Office (in the “B” category for large administrative centers and other middle-sized centers); and finally, in the “C” category (building which host offices and distribution units), the prize was won by the Office and Distribution Unit of Majadahonda (Madrid). Furthermore, the “Sustainable Mobility” which this year was organized for the first time for promoting sustainability initiatives applied to the workers’ commuting.

Thanks to the reductions achieved through the environmental management actions carried out, CORREOS has managed to go up from position number 12th in the ranking of the 21 postal operators which are members of the International Post Corporation (IPC) which take part in the EMMS – the supervision system which measures the fulfillment of the goal assumed by the postal industry of reducing its CO2 emissions by 20% for the year 2020 in comparison with the 2008 level -. A goal which the industry as a whole achieved two years ago, overtaking it by a wide margin, as it reduced its emissions by 33%.

Aristos Prizes and Artemisa Prizes

The list of prizes was completed with the award of the Aristos Prizes for the best banking activity. The winners in the four categories existing, depending on the type of office, were the Main Office of Cádiz, Branch no. 7 of Valencia, the Office of Palma del Río (Cordova), and the Office of Oyón-Oion (Alava). 
Besides, and for the first time, the Artemisa Prizes were awarded; these prizes recognize the commercial activity of the best sales managers, and not only reward those who have achieved the best global results, but also those who knew how best to understand and listen to the potential customers, thus opening up new relationship ways with CORREOS. A national prize is awarded, and another for each of the zones into which the postal and packaging company is territorially organized all over Spain.

The national winner was Mr. Antonio Pulido Hernández, from Zone no. 4 (Comunidad de Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura). And the winners in each of the other six zones were: Mr. Miguel Ángel Gómez García (Zone no. 1), Ms. Elena Hontoria Ruiz (Zone no. 2), Ms. María Lourdes Profumo Cabrejas (Zone no. 3), Ms. Julia Ollers Rodríguez (Zone no. 5), Mr. Juan Antonio Bravo Ortega (Zone no. 6), and Mr. Manuel Henríquez González (Zone no. 7).

ISO 9001 and 14001 Certificates

The ceremony concluded with the award of the ISO 9001 and 14001 Certificate for Quality Management and the Environment to the Integral Logistical Center (CLI) of Barcelona. This prize certifies the quality, efficiency, and the environmental awareness of its work. Mr. Rodrigo Sagredo, the Head of the Región Centro of the Bureau Veritas was the responsible of awarding the certificates on behalf of the certifying entity.

Grupo CORREOS wishes recognize publicly all the prize-winning workers and teams, as well as extending its acknowledgement to all the employees who work every day for providing a quality and excellent postal service to all citizens.

Correos/Grupo SEPI

Correos belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has a direct, majority shareholding participation, with a final workforce of about 73,000 professionals in 2014, and to which is attached the state-owned radio-and-television corporation, as well as one public foundation. Besides, it has direct minority shareholding participations in a further 10 companies, and indirect ones in more than 100 companies.

Correos is the biggest company in Spain, both in terms of its presence and territorial scope, with around 10,000 points for gaining access to its services. It distributes around 3,600 Million shipments per year, and it reaches daily 28 Million households, companies and institutions. It has a human team made up by more than 50,000 professionals who work to provide comprehensive solutions and a wide range of high-quality products adapted to the different customer categories, both in packaging and direct marketing, and in postal services based on the new technologies and financial services.