SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI’s Chairwoman, Ms. Pilar Platero, visits CORREOS and several of its operational services

22 May 2017 |

SEPI’s Chairwoman, Ms. Pilar Platero, visits CORREOS and several of its operational services

  • Ms. Platero participates in an extraordinary Executive Committee of the postal Group

Ms. Platero visited today the head office and some of the facilities of Grupo CORREOS within the framework of the meetings which she is holding with the companies which are attached to SEPI. During this visit she was accompanied by CORREOS’ Chairman, Mr. Javier Cuesta Nuin and by several other managers from the postal company and from SEPI, among which was the Managing Director, Mr. José Ángel Partearroyo. Ms. Platero took part in an Extraordinary Executive Committee which dealt the main issues which affect the Company and its subsidiary companies.

During the course of this extraordinary committee, Correos’ Chairman informed Ms. Platero about the progress made by the postal and packaging company in the last few years. The Chairmen of the three subsidiaries also explained their activities: Correos Express, the express transport and packaging subsidiary; Nexea, which is specialized on documentary management and on large-scale corporate communication; and Correos Telecom, the subsidiary which manages the Group’s telecommunications.

SEPI’s Chairwoman also made a tour of several facilities, among them, the postal and packaging office located in the street Chile in Madrid, where she knew first-hand the daily work carried out by the employees of a multiservice postal office, of a sorting office or of an Ordinary Delivery Unit and of one Special Services Unit. The chosen office is an instance of the new “Tu Correos” model, the innovative postal office concept which introduces a new model for selling and interacting with the customer, based on the use of the new technologies and on a personalized advice.

In order to complete the presentation of CORREOS’ equipment and operating capabilities, Ms. Platero also visited the Automated Mail Sorting Center (CTA) located in Vallecas, the biggest logistical center which the Company has in Spain, which handles about 1,300 Million shipments each year. It is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Among CORREOS’ logistical facilities was also included the visit of the Large-Scale Admission Center (CAM) 2 in Madrid, which is specialized in packaging management, a shipment field which is recording a growth of more than 15% per year in the last years as a result of the increase of e-commerce.

Currently, CORREOS has 2,395 postal offices all over Spain, of which 92 are “Tu Correos” Shops, with 1,800 delivery units, which cover the ordinary post of different areas or districts. It has also 100 Special Services Units, whose importance is growing thanks to the boom of e-commerce. Equally, it has 18 CTAs distributed all over Spain, and three large-scale admission centers, all of them located in Madrid.

The visit takes place when CORREOS is dealing with the Strategic Plan 2017-2021 which has as its goal to progress, with SEPI’s support, in the way towards its returning to profits and to its medium and long-term growth.

As Ms. Platero pointed out in her hearing in the Budgetary Commission of the Lower House on April 27th, CORREOS has been implementing diversification policies for increasing its income in order to offset the decrease of the postal activity; these policies allowed it to increase its turnover last year after its decrease for several years. One of the most pressing goals consists in having declared the Universal Postal Service which the Company provides a General Economic Interest Service, thus being able to determine the net cost of providing this service.