SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

GRUPO ENUSA presents its Annual Report

29 June 2016 | Madrid

GRUPO ENUSA presents its Annual Report

  • The corporate group recorded in 2015 a 385 M€ turnover 
  • The Juzbado Factory for nuclear fuel exported more than 60% of its production to European nuclear power plants
  • The transport affiliated company ETSA made more than 40,000 shipments in the field of nuclear medicine
  • EMGRISA, the Group’s environmental company, continues with its internationalization process with activities in Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and Mongolia

Since 2007 Grupo ENUSA has prepared its annual reports according to the principles and requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the most important international standard for reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility. Guidelines regarding the organization’s financial, social and environmental performance, and which seek to provide trustworthy, transparent, and significant information to our stakeholders, and at the same time, facilitate comparability. The Annual Report 2015 presents as a novelty in comparison with previous reports that it has been prepared for the first time on the basis of the GRI’s Guide G4, the latest version of this standard, which leaves the approach of meeting the goals for another based on the management of the sustainability.

Main figures and landmarks of Grupo ENUSA in 2015

The strong promotion for internationalization, the diversification of its two business areas, those of nuclear fuels and the Environment, maintaining competitiveness and increasing the investment on innovation, have been the bets made by Grupo ENUSA in 2015.

In 2005, GRUPO ENUSA had 726 employees, and its turnover amounted to 385 M€. Its income after taxation reached 11 M€.

The Supply Area of ENUSA – the parent company of the Group – has concluded significant service contracts for the enrichment and purchase of uranium concentrates which allow to guarantee uranium supply to the Spanish nuclear power plants on a competitive basis.

The Fuel Manufacture Area reached in 2015 to produce more than 328 Tone of Uranium Equivalent (tU), of which more than 60% were exported to nuclear power plants in other European countries.

The Jubzado Factory continues introducing its continuous improvement in the manufacturing process, has made a significant investment in the update of its equipment and systems, which in 2015 amounted to 5.1 M€.

The Company continues implementing its internationalization activities, with the supply of inspection equipment for fresh and irradiated fuel in the international market. 

ENUSA keeps its commitment with Innovation through the R&D projects. In 2015 6 new research projects were carried out, which involved the investment of 5 M€ and the involvement of the equivalent of 25 researchers per year.

The company engaged in the transport of special products, ETSA, carried out 43,000 shipments regarding the nuclear medicine field, the equivalent of 100,000 parcels, which generated a turnover of more than 5M€. Furthermore, it participated in the first drill on Physical Safety “Gate to Africa”, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

As for the environmental activities in 2015, EMGRISA continued with its internationalization process with the establishment of an affiliated company in Lima (Peru), and the development of activities with multilateral agencies in other countries, such as Chile, Bolivia, and Mongolia.

For its part, the Juzbado biogas plant and the urban solid waste plant of Cervera de Maestre have covered their expectations for 2015.

The Center of Saelices el Chico continued with the closure of the former mining facilities and with the dismantling and closing of the Planta Quercus. In 2015 use has been made of “tailored” artificial soils, which is taking place with the use of an application based on tecnosoles, which are designed and manufactured according to the composition and properties required by each affected area, with the goal of restoring the natural space affected by the exploitation activities.

The Annual Report regarding the activities and results of GRUPO ENUSA in 2015 – both in Spanish and in English – is available at, together with a review which includes the most relevant facts of the financial year 2015 and one video showing the above information in a graphic way. 

ENUSA and Grupo SEPI

ENUSA belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a workforce of around 73,000 professionals in 2014; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further ten companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.