SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

NAVANTIA expands its commercial presence in Canada for the frigates program

28 July 2016 | Toronto (Canadá)

NAVANTIA expands its commercial presence in Canada for the frigates program

In collaboration with a number of companies and associations from the defense industry, NAVANTIA has organized in Canada two “”days on the industry”. The first took place on July 26th in Halifax, and the second on July 28th in Toronto.

The goal of these meetings was that of showing NAVANTIA’s commitment with the local industry for the CSC program (Canadian Surface Combatant) for the new frigates, a program for which NAVANTIA has been short-listed.

In both meetings, NANVANTIA’s representatives began with a presentation of the company’s main lines of activity, holding later private meetings with each of the interested companies in order to explore new opportunities within the supply chain, not just for this program, but also for future programs.

Equally, on July 25th, the F-105 frigate made a stopover in Halifax, after having its combat system certified, as we published before, with the goal of commercially supporting NAVANTIA. A number of guided visits to the frigate were organized for showing the frigate to the Canadian naval authorities.


NAVANTIA constitutes a world reference in the design, construction and integration of warships with a high-technological content, as well as ship repairs and upgrades. Besides, its activity lines include the design and manufacturing of combat and command and control systems, integrated platform management systems, firing control systems, propulsion engines and the Life Cycle Support for all its products. Although its main activity is in the naval field, NAVANTIA also designs and manufactures systems for the Army and the Air Force. 

NAVANTIA is part of Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a workforce of around 73,000 professionals in 2014; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and a public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further ten companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.