SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

ENSA passes CEFRI’s audit for intervening in the French nuclear power plants

07 October 2016 | Madrid

ENSA passes CEFRI’s audit for intervening in the French nuclear power plants


Equipos Nucleares, S.A (ENSA) successfully passed the last follow-up audit from CEFRI (French Committee for the Certification of Companies for the Training and Follow-Up of the personnel working under Ionizing Radiations), and thus the company from Cantabria keeps its certification for another year.

CEFRI’s certification proves the company’s ability to set up and maintain a management system which guarantees the protection of the workers which carry out activities under ionizing radiations. This is an essential requirement for being able to intervene in a controlled area within the French nuclear facilities. ENSA has got this certification since 2012.

This follow-up audit differentiates from the last year one in that CEFRI has changed the SPE-E-400 Ind.20 specification in order to adapt its certification to French law, thus introducing changes which ENSA had to include into its management system during this year.

The audit verifies that these new requirements have been “satisfactorily” included, and among the most significant are the following:

  • Formalization of the figure of the person in charge of preparing for the intervention, who must have the authority, capability, and resources required for implementing the risk prevention at the place on which the operation takes place.
  • The company is required to submit to the worker who stops working in it a statement of his or her exposition to ionizing radiation in French nuclear power plants.
  • The requirement that the selection of the auditor and the implementation of the internal audit guarantee the objectivity and the impartiality of the procedure, and this requirement is the reason of why the internal annual audit was carried out by the quality department instead of by the Person Qualified in Radioprotection (PCR) which habitually carried it out.