SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI´s Board of Directors was completed today with the appointment of two new Directors

30 July 2004 |

The Board of Directors of the state-owned holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) has been completed in the meeting it celebrated today with the appointment of two new Directors: Ms. María Encarnación Vivancos Bustos, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works, and Mr. Antonio J. Fernández Segura, General Secreary for Energy, of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade. With these new appointments, beside SEPI´s Chairman, this Board of Directors has 15 Members, who represent, besides the two Ministries mentioned above, those of the Presidency, Economy and the Treasury, Defense, Labor and Social Affairs, and Education and Science.

Ms. María Encarnación Vivancos Bustos is Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works since April 19th, graduated in Economics and Actuarial Sciences by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is a member of the Inspectorate of the Treasury. Among other positions, she has been Technical Adviser of the Budgetary General Directorate, Chief of the Inspectorate Regional Unit of the Treasury Special Delegation in Madrid and Deputy Chief Inspector to the Chief of the Inspectorate National Office. In 1994 was appointed Chief Inspector of the Inspectorate National Office, and later Chief of the team of the Inspectorate National Office which reports to the State Agency in charge of Tax Administration.

Mr. Antonio J. Fernández Segura was appointed General Secretary for Energy on April 30th, and graduated in Economics by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has been Manager in charge of Economic Affairs of Madrid´s City Council, Technical General Secretary of the Economics and the Treasury Department of the regional government of Madrid, Deputy Manager at the state-owned holding company INI, Manager of Control and Investments in the state-owned coal mining company Hunosa, Chairman of the state-owned investment promotion company Sodiex, General Director of Industry in the Ministry of Industry and Energy and Chairman of the State Agency for Industrial Companies. Betwee 1997 and 2003 he was advisor for the Socialist Parliamentary Group on industry, energy and state-owned companies, and since October 2003 he was General Director of the Institute for the Economic Promotion of Asturias.

After the appointment of both new Directors, SEPI´s Board of Directors is made up by the following:

  • Mr. Enrique Martínez Robles (Chairman)
  • Mr. Federico Montero Hita (Vice President and Member of the Board)
  • Mr. Enrique Hernández Pérez (Secretary of the Board)


  • Mr. David Vegara Figueras State Secretary of Economics, of the Ministry of Economics and the Treasury.
  • Mr. Francisco Pardo PiquerasState Secretary of Defense, of the Ministry of Defense.
  • Mr. Luis Herrero JuanDeputy Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency.
  • Ms. Juana María Lázaro Ruiz Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Economics and the Treasury.
  • Ms. Aurora Domínguez GonzálezDeputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
  • Ms. María Teresa Gómez CondadoDeputy Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
  • Ms. María Encarnación Vivancos BustosDeputy Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works.
  • Mr. Ignacio Sánchez YlleraChief of the Staff of the First Vice President and Minister of the Presidency.
  • Ms. María Soledad Abad RicoChief of the Staff of the Second Vice President and Minister of Economics and the Treasury.
  • Mr. Carlos Ocaña y Pérez de TudelaGeneral Secretary of Budgets and Expenses of the Ministry of Economics and the Treasury.
  • Mr. Salvador Barberá Sánchez General Secretary of Scientific and Technological Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  • Mr. Joan Trullén Thomás General Secretary of Industry, of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
  • Mr. Antonio J. Fernández Segura General Secretary for Energy, of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
  • Ms. María de las Mercedes Díaz Sánchez General Manager of the State Patrimony, of the Ministry of Economics and the Treasury.