SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI, CCOO and MCA-UGT sign a Memorandum supporting the integration process of MTAD into AIRBUS

17 November 2009 |

SEPI, CCOO and MCA-UGT sign a Memorandum supporting the integration process of MTAD into AIRBUS

The Chairman of the state-owned industrial holding company (SEPI), Mr. Enrique Martínez Robles, and the Secretary General of the Industrial Federations of the trade unions CC.OO., Mr. Felipe López Alonso, and that of MCA-UGT, Mr. Manuel Fernández López, have signed today a Memorandum by which the trade unions join the Agreement between SEPI and EADS regarding the integration process of the Military Transport Aircraft Division (MTAD) into AIRBUS, which was signed on July 23rd, 2009.

In the above Memorandum, the signing parties make a positive assessment of the commitments taken by EADS in its Agreement with SEPI, as a guarantee of EADS-CASA development in Spain, and they state their commitment to carry out their best joint efforts for achieving the success in the integration process of MTAD into Airbus, under the name of AIRBUS MILITARY. Equally, they think it convenient to obtain in this process the collaboration of those trade unions which have representatives among the EADS-CASA personnel and which have joined this Memorandum.

MTAD integration into AIRBUS contributes to the development of AIRBUS MILITARY business, giving it a more efficient management of its current product and services portfolio, and facilitates the exchange of operating synergies with AIRBUS ESPAÑA. It is carried out as a result of the Agreement taken at EADS's Board on December 12th, 2008 and the Document dated on April 3rd, 2009 (AIRBUS - MTAD integration, Organization of the A400M), which respect the Agreement reached on January 20th, 2004 and the Industrial Plan for EADS-CASA signed in 1999, which are in force in keeping with their specific terms and conditions.

In keeping with the commitments taken by EADS con SEPI in the July Agreement, MTAD becomes a Complete Business Unit of AIRBUS, under the name of AIRBUS MILITARY, maintaining all its current capabilities for designing, certificating, and manufacturing a complete aircraft in Spain, integrating mission systems in military aircrafts, and operating the A400M Final Assembly Line.

Equally, it is committed that AIRBUS MILITARY will have its head office in Spain and that it will be headed by a Spanish CEO, directly attached to the AIRBUS CEO, and who will be a full Member of EADS's Executive Committee and of AIRBUS's Executive Committee, as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of EADS-CASA. He/she will also be the Chairman or a Member of the Board of Directors of EUROCOPTER ESPAÑA, the Chairman or a Member of the Board of Directors of ASTRIUM ESPAÑA, the Chairman and CEO of AMSL, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of AIRBUS ESPAÑA.

AIRBUS MILITARY is the sole organization in charge of the military business, current and future, within AIRBUS, including the A400M and its derivatives; AIRBUS' military derivative, within which are the tanker transports; the medium-and-light military transport aircrafts and their derivatives, and the associated support services. It is also in charge of all the life-cycle of the product, of the profit and loss account of AIRBUS's military business, grouping together all the results of the programs and services within its scope, as well as all the commercial activities related to that business.