SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

The turnover of Grupo Enusa in 2013 amounted to 437 M€

24 June 2014 | Madrid

The turnover of Grupo Enusa in 2013 amounted to 437 M€

The turnover of Grupo ENUSA in 2013 amounted to 437 M€. Regardless of the financial adjustment and the slowdown in nuclear programs which it suffered, the corporate group has been able to adapt itself to the new situation. In 2013 it carried out a reorganization of its organizational chart based on an increased efficiency and taking advantage of the new business opportunities within its two main business areas, on which it has focused its activities: the nuclear business and the environmental business.

Main activities of Grupo ENUSA in 2013

The most important landmark in 2013 for the parent company, ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas, S.A., was the signing of two contracts with Spanish companies for the supply of 20 fuel item reloads and related services for the five reactors of the PWR type (pressure water reactors).

Within the European scope, ENUSA has exported more than 60% of the production to reactors in France, Belgium, and Sweden through the alliances which the Company has for the commercialization of products and services in Europe with Westinghouse, through the European Fuel Group for pressure water reactors (PWR) and with General Electric Global Nuclear Fuel for boiling water reactors (BWR). To this last category of reactors ENUSA has supplied around 35% of the production, which has meant a historical maximum in the yearly manufacture of this type of fuel.

The company from Salamanca has been engaged during the last few years in an internationalization process, and in 2013 it increased the number of initiatives for developing such emerging markets as Brazil, Argentina, and China. At the beginning of 2013, ENUSA signed a contract for the supply of manufacturing and inspection equipment for the Yibin fuel factory, which is located in the Sichuan province, with the Chinese equipment manufacturer CNNC JianZhong Nuclear Fuel Co. (CJNF). This is the first sale which ENUSA makes in the Chinese nuclear market. The Yibin factory seeks to expand threefold its installed capacity by 2020, as a result of the fast growth in fuel demand in China.

The Juzbado factory has set up all the modifications as a result of the stress tests required by the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Spanish nuclear safety watchdog).

The company engaged in the transport of dangerous materials, ETSA, is committed with new businesses, among which is that of providing logistical support to the future temporary nuclear storage site (ATC) .

The Company’s environmental activities have been focused on the following:

  • The continuity in the closing down and restoration of the former mines at Saelices el Chico and the measures taken for dismantling the Planta Quercus.
  • The management of the biogas stations in Salamanca and of solid urban wastes in Castellón.
  • The internationalization of the management projects for industrial wastes and for the treatment of polluted waters and soils through the affiliated company EMGRISA.
  • The works for hydrocarbon-polluted soils in Kuwait through Desotermia.

Commitment with the Environment and with its surroundings

Grupo ENUSA is aware of its responsibility for the environment, and that is why it carries out a strict control of the impact which its activities have on its surroundings. In ENUSA’s case, its two workplaces at Salamanca (the nuclear fuel factory at Juzbado and the Environmental Center at Saelices el Chico in Ciudad Rodrigo), have set up their own Environmental Radiological Surveillance Programs.

Both facilities are governed by a strict control of the working conditions of their employees and of their environment, and are in line at all times with the recommendations of the organisms which have jurisdiction. In line with the parameters which both of them have applied since the beginning of their activities, both facilities fulfilled the limits set by the regulators, always staying well below the legally required limits. Last year the investment made in the environmental area exceeded 5 M€.

One of the goals of the Company is that of collaborating in promoting the wellbeing and development of its surrounding area. For ENUSA, the region of Castilla y León, and more specifically, of the province of Salamanca, has been always a priority.

One of the contributions of the Company to the community is that regarding the source of the supplies and services required for carrying out its activities. In 2013 the purchases made by the Company’s workplaces to suppliers from Salamanca reached the figure of 6 M€ and the total economic added value exceeded the amount of 48 M€

Grupo ENUSA has at its disposal a great human team, which has been able to give continuity to the business and which guarantees the survival through time of its projects. Thanks to its employees, to their will and motivation, the Group expects to continue promoting new activity lines in the future which allow it to continue towards the objective which it has set for itself: a management and growth model based on operative excellence and sustainability, anchored on the set up of the Corporate Social as the axis of its corporate culture.

The Annual Report and Accounts of Grupo ENUSA in 2013, both in Spanish and in English, are available at its website, together with a ease to read Summary which includes the most significant events during the last financial year.

Grupo SEPI

ENUSA belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with around 80,000 professionals; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further nine companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.